80% of traders quit trading prematurely and we have the solution for it!

Major psychological factors block traders from pursuing their goals

The Guardian Angel with the AI addition is here to reduce psychological barriers in trading and drive LTV to a whole new level.

The following psychological pain points require brokers to dedicate considerable resources to retain traders:

Emotions management

Dealing with extreme emotions such as fear, greed, revenge trading, overconfidence, frustration, stress, euphoria.

Cognitive load

Traders are overwhelmed with information and need to process data constantly, which could lead to burnout and fatigue.

Difficulty to learn from past trading actions
and make necessary corrections

A lack of clear strategy or difficulty
in discipline

Product Value

The Guardian Angel AI tool helps each trader personally where no one else can:

It helps traders cope efficiently with the psychological outcomes of trading and make sense of their mistakes.

The Guardian Angel AI tool helps traders become more resilient to the dynamics of day trading. While facing the uncertainties of the markets, traders could have a sense of direction!

The value for your traders:
The Guardian Angel will give you reference to your own trading style and performance so you can generate conclusions on how to improve yourself.
Trust is a powerful key to the hearts and minds of traders. When the Guardian Angel provides reliable information they feel is in their favor – they will remain loyal to your brand.
Traders gain insights into their own decision-making patterns and how to shift towards rational and mature trading.
When traders win or lose a trade it could be difficult for them to understand whether the outcome is due to a random effect or to something they were responsible for. Traders learn better from their own trading history and are challenged to improve… themselves!
The Guardian Angel shows traders where they have control in their decision making and they feel less helpless in hard times. They receive insights on their own trading analysis and are able to make adjustments.

The Guardian Angel increases the awareness of the traders on rational and balanced trading, considering the risks and potential outcomes.

Historical data of tens of thousands of traders from dozens of brokers in industry, show that Guardian Angel users are more confident in themselves and as a result are more active and involved in trading.

When traders become aware of their own behavior and decision making, they are able to make more accurate trading decisions and improve their chances to achieve their goals.

The value for the brokers:
The Guardian Angel AI is a MUST for Brokers and Traders. Guardian Angel is a strategic retention tool for brokers.

Provides a reliable and accurate information

Traders receive immediate personal care completely automated.

Traders feel they receive a tool that helps them make the best trading decisions.

Traders feel more satisfied and believe in their ability to make progress in trading.

No operational effort needed from the broker. The Guardian Angel has a set up of 48 hours and is implemented within the trading platform. It works in the background as the perfect automated retention agent – completely hands free. 

The Guardian Angel does not make suggestions about placing orders or any other action. 

Trading data is processed blindly with no risk of breaching traders’ personal information.

Proven Results:

  • 95% of traders using the Guardian Angel reported that it affected their trading decisions.
  • Traders who used Guardian Angel gave a high score (4.6 out of 5) that the tool helped them in making profitable trades.
  • Objective data shows that Guardian Angel increases trading activity by over 30% compared to benchmark.
  • View full survey
How do you think the Guardian Angel influences your profitable trades?
After receiving feedback from the Guardian Angel I sometimes changed my trading decisions (% "Agree")

Proven Results:

  • 95% of traders using the Guardian Angel reported that it affected their trading decisions.
  • Traders who used Guardian Angel gave a high score (4.6 out of 5) that the tool helped them in making profitable trades.
  • Objective data shows that Guardian Angel increases trading activity by over 30% compared to benchmark.
  • View full survey


How It Works

The Guardian Angel AI is a Smart Companion for every trader which is fully automated and embedded within the trading platform.

It provides real-time reflections that help traders optimize their behaviors, cognitive biases, and patterns, leading to more balanced trading decisions.

  • Real-Time Alerts – Following open and close of trades – personal in-platform notifications help traders stay focused on their actions.
  • Behavioral Insights – Highlights common trading biases and emotional triggers, including greed and fear.
  • Performance Reflection – Encourages traders to compete against themselves.
  • Market Awareness – increase understanding of market dynamics and events
  • Effortless Broker Integration – Seamlessly runs in the background, no manual intervention required.

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    Frequently Asked Questions?

    The Guardian Angel is compatible with the Metatrader 4 and 5 and all webtraders.

    The group of Guardian Angel users who made at least 1 trade in a given month is compared to the group of other users who did not use the tool. The KPIs are training volume, number of trades and account size. Extreme cases are excluded from analysis to prevent a bias in results.

    We take pride in our swift integration time. It normally takes 2-4 business days.

    No! The Guardian Angel does not provide advice or call to action to traders. It provides information and the traders use this information to make informed decisions.



    CPattern was established in 2009. We took on a mission to provide technology to the online trading industry that helped dozens of brokers and tens of thousands of traders since.
    We are a technology provider for brokers that facilitates retaining their clients by reducing the psychological barriers in trading:

    • Enhance mental resilience and prevent premature quitting
    • Encourage long term thinking and rational decisions
    • Enable each trader to maximize his trading skills and become a mature, independent trader who can make rational decisions through:
      a. Learning and reflection
      b. Self awareness
      c. Tuning in to relevant market events
      d. Constructive and data driven approach
    • Enable traders to gain a sense of control and positive attitude in trading.
    • Enable traders to balance negative emotions and stress and avoid cognitive biases
    • Increase traders’ alignment with the market
    • Provide brokers an automated tool that for a personalized trading experience

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      CPattern Ltd.